Ethereum Mining Profitability Calculator

Calculate how much Ether (ETH) should be mined with a specific hashrate (or GPU).

Your GPU (optional)
Your Hashrate: MH/s
Network Hashrate: GH/s
Blocktime: seconds
1 ETH Price: USD


  • This is alpha software. Let me know if you see any bugs.
  • Hashrate and Blocktime calculated by looking at the last 64 blocks. The price is from coinmarketcap. Data is updated every 10 minutes.
  • This calculator does not take into account uncles.
  • OMG please fork me I'm the second-ugliest page in the world.


Period ETH USD
Minute {{earnings.min|number:6}} {{earnings.min*ethPrice|currency}}
Hour {{earnings.hour|number:6}} {{earnings.hour*ethPrice|currency}}
Day {{|number:6}} {{*ethPrice|currency}}
Week {{earnings.week|number:6}} {{earnings.week*ethPrice|currency}}
Month {{earnings.month|number:6}} {{earnings.month*ethPrice|currency}}
